Flight safety

-A bug bit me today and left me with an incessant, absolutely mad urge to write.
This bug called ‘failure’ sneaks up on you, when you least expect it and and this devious, ingenious little creature; the devil himself, has destroyed many lives and hopes and crushed a lot of dreams in the very same way you crush members of his speices.
This bug bit me today.
Disheartened, doubtful and devastated, the symptoms started showing a while after, and I dwelled on it and doubted myself even more. Exactly what it wanted me to do.
See, not everything you do will be great, but you always wish. Not everything will lead to success, oh but how you wish! And I wished, and still wish.
And hope that my wishes come to life. And hope that I’m good enough. And hope that I don’t lose my sanity before it actually happens.
I shan’t do what is expected of me and I shan’t let failure win. I shall rise and be what I’m destined to be and I shall shove the doubts down the throat of failure.
Oh, but how I wish. And I still wish.

– I don’t know how or why or when this happened, but it happened and it stuck. I lost myself in heaps of mess and I am still in there, stuck. Vipers coil around my neck and I choke and cough out bile. Too scared to touch, for poison’s touch may poison me for life. Too scared to touch, yet tentatively, I unwind, uncoil, I smile. I rush ahead, splurge ahead and leave it all behind. So I thought that up and opened up, what once was locked inside. And I freed the forces, I was born with and I let them run out wild.

– Oh, come down little bird, come down and stay, don’t fly away, too high. Come down a while and while away, come while away your time. I’ll clip your wings, and clip your soul, to keep you safe inside. Let’s see how, you fly away now, with lovers of the sky.