
Hey Dum Dum, stop rubbing your eyes.

You’re not sleepy, no. You’re not asleep.

You move, like moving is a habit your body undertook to make sure the disconnect between your reality and imagination doesn’t become all too tangible. Together: bite and understand; observe, react to the metallic taste of warm blood spreading in your mouth. Slowly, over your teeth. Rolling, over your tongue and swallow.

Stop rubbing your eyes. Bite, taste, swallow and understand. Observe. Observe how your fidgety fingers suddenly still over the body of your being, you dig, dig, dig in and your back arched up to tunnel what escaped in a hush towards the point, towards the apex, tip o your tongue and you sigh as you still dig, dig, dig into your mind. Come, spread your folds and uncoil, bit by bit and understand, observe the stillness in your mind, all too easy, too bloody quiet.

You tongue old wounds in your mouth and the all too familiar taste spreads warm and fresh again. 

Stop rubbing your eyes, Dum Dum.

It’s stuck like a stickity, stackity, sticky stuck stuck sticking out your tongue.

Tease yourself, make faces.

Understand, observe, react.

Bite, taste, swallow.

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